Magnus finds some notes scribbled by Randolph, the older notes on the Sword of Summer. Another wolf is seen looking for a book but is killed by Alex. Percy gives Magnus a piece of advice that sea gods are vain and possessive when it comes to their weapons, and also tells him he has a good team.Īlex and Magnus go to Randolph's mansion, where they find a dead wolf at the entrance. Annabeth, Percy, Magnus and Alex Fierro have lunch, while Alex tells them they should have already left to find Loki's ship located between Niflheim and Jotunheim. Jack sniffs around Percy's pocket and finds Riptide, who he reveals is female. Magnus introduces Jack to Percy and Annabeth Chase, who are surprised the sword can talk. Percy Jackson gives Magnus Chase a lesson in surviving on the ocean. Plot Meeting Percy and traveling to the Chase Mansion Will they succeed in their perilous journey, or is are the forces of Ragnarok going to win? Now Magnus and his crew must sail to the farthest borders of Jotunheim and Niflheim in pursuit of Asgard's greatest threat.

But he has strong and steadfast friends, including Hearthstone the elf, Blitzen the dwarf, and Samirah the Valkyrie, and together they have achieved brave deeds, such as defeating Fenris Wolf and battling powerful giants for Thor's hammer, Mjölnir. As the son of Frey, the god of summer, fertility, and health, Magnus isn't naturally inclined to fight. Magnus Chase, a once-homeless teen, is a resident of the Hotel Valhalla and one of Odin's chosen warriors. One viking finally ends the conversation by stating that a great warrior named Magnus loved the food and ate it often, before holding up the book. To promote the book, there was a small commercial where a group of vikings argued over the correct way to pronounce "falafel", and whether or not it had any nutrition.

An iTunes preview containing the first three chapters of the books was released on September 16th, 2017. The book title was announced at the back of The Hammer of Thor. 3.24 The Chase Space, and its Becoming a Place.3.15 Meeting Gunlod and Obtaining Kvasir's Mead.3.12 Retrieving the Whetstone of Bolverk.3.1 Meeting Percy and traveling to the Chase Mansion.