Since there is no need to worry about damaging a virtual scope, we can introduce care and handling of the scope as the students use the virtual scope, rather than as a warning before the students even begin (as is necessary with real scopes). We suggest using the virtual microscope tutorial to introduce students to the basic use of the microscope. We encourage use of these virtual labs not to replace hands-on use of a real microscope (an experience that all students should have), but rather to better prepare students for the microscope lab experience. Our virtual microscopy labs are designed to help students gain familiarity with the microscope as a laboratory tool. The modules that are available for mobile are listed below as having HTML5 programming the ones currently only available in Flash are also listed as such. In October 2015, with the launch of our new web site, we now provide several of our activities (and the web site as a whole) with mobile compatibility (tablets recommended rather than phones). Until recently, all of our activites have been programmed in Flash, designed for use with desktops and laptops. In particular, our Lab Bench is designed to help students have a hands-on experience and is a part of several modules. Virtual labs may also serve as alternatives to lab experiences that may not be possible in the classroom setting because of limitations imposed due to time required for the actual lab, the expense of laboratory equipment, or safety. In many cases, student us of the virtual lab module will be most valuable if used in preparation for hands-on lab experience in the classroom. We have designed these open-access activities for individual, group, or classroom use. Our virtual labs and activities serve many purposes. Support for live developmental and cell biology labs using sea urchins can be found on our 300 page sister site, where you will find extensive resources for these hands-on classroom labs.